Malaysian Navy LCS Torpedo Launcher Systems Pass Factory Acceptance Trials

28 Maret 2017

J+S torpedo launcher system for Littoral Combat Ship (photo : J and S)

Torpedo launcher systems for the Royal Malaysian Navy’s six Littoral Combat Ship (LCS) have passed factory acceptance trials, British defense company Sea announced.

The company said it worked with Kuala Lumpur-based project engineering managers Budi Axis Sdn Bhd to achieve acceptance of the first weapons handling system in country.

Torpedo launcher on Gowind LCS (image : far maroc)

J+S Ltd, which was acquired by Cohort company Sea in 2014, was awarded a contract to supply the torpedo launcher systems (TLS) for the new Royal Malaysian Navy vessels in 2014. Delivery of the first system was scheduled for 2017 with the final system due for delivery in 2021.

The torpedo launchers will comprise a pair of triple configuration, composite tubes mounted just aft of midships on the 111m ships. They are compatible with all lightweight NATO standard-sized torpedoes.

LCS Gowind frigate (image : far maroc)

All six sets of handling systems will be manufactured in Malaysia, while production of the system electronics will also be progressively manufactured in Malaysia over the six ship sets.

“The modular nature of the system means that by utilizing a common tube selection panel as part of the combat management system the fire control electronics can be adapted to interface with the ship’s decoy launchers as well as the TLS,” SEA launcher business manager Eric Abretti said.

(Naval Today)

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