Vietnam-Russia Officially Kicked Off Additional Molniya 1241.8

06 November 2017

Project 1241.8 Molniya (photo : Rosoboronexport)

Representatives of the Vympel Shipyard Russia said it is in talks with Vietnam about providing additional 4 Molniya rocket ships next 1241.8.

The information is on behalf of the company told Rambler portal and is led by Sputnik, the content is as follows: "The continuation of the contract with Vietnam is in the discussion stage."

In addition, according to the representative, negotiations on the supply of class warships to other foreign customers are underway.

So after many predictions around the fate of Molniya 1241.8 project such as Vietnam can skip class to go straight to Buyan-M or even Karakurt with the new developments, almost certainly the People's Navy Vietnam will continue to build four additional lightning strike missiles next.

Molniya Project 1241.8 is designed to attack warships and attack ships, landmine loggers, coasters and oceans. 

The ship's weaponry system consists of 16 anti-submarine 3M-24 Uran-E cruise missiles with a range of 130 km, a speed of Mach 0.85, carrying a 145 kg semi-permanent warhead with explosive retaining arms. slow to take advantage of the kinetic energy to penetrate the ship's shell and explode to maximize damage.

Also included is a 76.2 mm AK-176M gun, 30 mm AK-630M anti-aircraft gun, PK-10 bait launcher and possibly also an anti-aircraft missile. shoulder SA-N-10 (SA-16).

According to many military experts, the very high capacity of the next four Molniya ships built by Vietnam will have a stronger weapon configuration.

All attention is focused on the 3M-54E Klub-N anti-ship cruise missile with a range of 220 km, Mach 0,8 - Mach 2.9, carrying a warhead of 200 kg. 

This is also the weapon Russia is proposing to integrate Gepard 3.9 pair to third if Vietnam decided to order, so if choosing 3M-54E will create the synchronization of technical logistics later.

Besides, another idea is that Vietnam will be equipped with this series of Indian-made PJ-10 BrahMos anti-ship cruise missiles or the P-800 Yakhont brand-name anti-ship cruise missiles. "

Based on the experience gained from the recent batch of 6 Molniya 1241.8 missiles, if an agreement is reached soon, we will have four more advanced attack missiles in sight. in 2020.


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