Vietnam’s Defence Industry on Show at Indodefence Expo
09 November 2018
Vietnamese defence industry product (all photos : KienThuc)
Although the Independence Defense Show for the first time in 2018, Vietnam's defense industry is still confident in introducing domestic warships in Indonesia, including the Molniya.
These products meet the criteria of domestic production, which is self-study, designed, or researched by the Vietnamese on the basis of common achievements from abroad, with different design elements compared to raw materials form.
Indodefence 2018 is a large-scale industrial defense exhibition held every two years and is Indonesia's largest defense exhibition. Organizers said 59 countries have registered to participate in the Expo. It is expected that President Joko Widodo will deliver the opening remarks.
The highlight of Vietnam's display at Indo Defence 2018 is that of self-manufactured infantry and infantry units being supplied to the Vietnamese People's Army, from pistols to all heavy sniper rifles.
Meanwhile, in the display section of the General Department of Defense Industry are models of naval ships and marine police built by Vietnam itself, including familiar names such as DN-2000, hospital ship Khanh Hoa and some other patrol boats.
In the picture is model ship Hospital Khanh Hoa People's Navy by the Z189 company, Khanh Hoa ship has more than 2,000 tons of water displacement and can carry nearly 200 people.
Next to it is the DN-2000 marine police ship with more than 2,000 tons of water displacement and the combined search and rescue vessels offshore.
What is surprising is that in this year's Indodefence, Vietnam also brings to Jakarta a model of the Molniya fast-attack missile train which is the current naval combat vessel class of the Vietnamese Navy. This more or less shows that Vietnam is increasingly confident in its ability to manufacture defense products not only for its domestic needs but also to step up its international arms market.
Images of some shortwave radio communications equipment of Viettel.
Vietnamese defence industry product (all photos : KienThuc)
Although the Independence Defense Show for the first time in 2018, Vietnam's defense industry is still confident in introducing domestic warships in Indonesia, including the Molniya.
Baca Juga
These products meet the criteria of domestic production, which is self-study, designed, or researched by the Vietnamese on the basis of common achievements from abroad, with different design elements compared to raw materials form.
Indodefence 2018 is a large-scale industrial defense exhibition held every two years and is Indonesia's largest defense exhibition. Organizers said 59 countries have registered to participate in the Expo. It is expected that President Joko Widodo will deliver the opening remarks.
Meanwhile, in the display section of the General Department of Defense Industry are models of naval ships and marine police built by Vietnam itself, including familiar names such as DN-2000, hospital ship Khanh Hoa and some other patrol boats.
In the picture is model ship Hospital Khanh Hoa People's Navy by the Z189 company, Khanh Hoa ship has more than 2,000 tons of water displacement and can carry nearly 200 people.
Next to it is the DN-2000 marine police ship with more than 2,000 tons of water displacement and the combined search and rescue vessels offshore.
What is surprising is that in this year's Indodefence, Vietnam also brings to Jakarta a model of the Molniya fast-attack missile train which is the current naval combat vessel class of the Vietnamese Navy. This more or less shows that Vietnam is increasingly confident in its ability to manufacture defense products not only for its domestic needs but also to step up its international arms market.
Pictured is the typical ship model of Vietnam's naval shipbuilding industry, including the Molniya missile ship, the SPa 4207 high speed boat, the FCSa crew ship.
Attending this Indodefence 2018, Viettel Telecom Corporation introduced its latest defense products, the VT-PATROL Reconnaissance UAV, the VRS642 short-wave radio transmitter, and several other wireless communications products.
An unmanned reconnaissance vehicle produced by Viettel was introduced at Indodefense 2018.
Images of some shortwave radio communications equipment of Viettel.
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