Myanmar has Received Six More Yak-130 Aircraft

18 Januari 2019

Yak-130 of the Myanmar Air Force (photo : sdelanounas)

According to the web source, on New Year's Day, the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, which is part of PJSC" Irkut Corporation, delivered six Yak-130 combat-training aircraft for the Myanmar Air Force. 

Contract for the supply of an unnamed number of Yak-130 planes to Myanmar (supposedly 16) was signed by Rosoboronexport on June 22, 2015. The first three Yak-130 aircraft built by the Irkutsk Aviation Plant of PJSC Irkut Corporation under this contract were delivered to Myanmar at the end of 2016 and transferred to Myanmar Air Force in February 2017, receiving Myanmar airborne numbers "1801", "1802" and "1803 "(serial numbers from 130.12.03-0101 to 130.12.03-0103).

Yak-130 of the Myanmar Air Force (photo : Aldin B)

In the fall of 2017, the Myanmar Air Force received the next batch of three Yak-130 aircraft with tail numbers "1804", "1805" and "1806" (estimated serial numbers from 130.12.03-0104 to 130.12.03-0106). The official ceremony of entering the first six received Yak-130s into the Myanmar Air Force took place on December 15, 2017 at the airfield of the Myanmar Air Force Flight School in Meythil (near Mandalay). 

Now Myanmar has received six more Yak-130 aircraft under this contract. Judging from the published photograph of the transportation of one of the aircraft of this party, this aircraft has a Myanmar airborne number "1808" 

Thus, in 2018, ten Yak-130 combat training aircraft were delivered for export from Russia - six to Myanmar and four to Laos.


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