New 2,000 Tons Attack Submarine Joins DSME Portfolio

25 Oktober 2019

DSME2000 2,000 tons class submarine scale model at MADEX 2019 (photo : Naval News)

At MADEX 2019 naval exhibition in Busan (South Korea), local shipyard DSME launched a new attack submarine design dedicated to the export market based on technologies developed for the ROK Navy KSS III submarine.

The « DSME2000 » is « a new generation submarine. As you know, we have experience in manufacturing and delivering submarine, » Jejun Park, Principal Engineer, told Naval News. Leveraging its know how acquired with both the 1,400 tons design offered to the Indonesian Navy, and the latest technologies acquired with the domestic KSS III project DSME came up with this new medium size submarine. « This is just a finished conceptual design which can be customized, » added Park.

DSME2000 submarine design features a flexible weapon launching system (photo : Naval News)

This 2,000 ton-class submarine is powered by a diesel-electric propulsion system with AIP and « the latest Lithium-Ion batteries », allowing a maximum submerged speed of 20 knots and a maximum surface speed of 10 knots. The range 10,000 nautical miles at cruising speed. The DSME2000 has a length of 70,3 m and a diameter of 6,3 m. It accommodates a crew of 40, including 10 « guests », which means that the submarine would be able to sustain Special Forces operations. 

The DSME 2000 submarine features a flexible weapon launching system adapted « upon customer demand ». It first relies on 8 torpedo tubes with a total of 16 torpedoes, including 8 spare units.

The masts suite includes optronic, radar, ESM, SATCOM, Snorkel and up to two communication hoistable masts. The sensor suite is based on Cylindrical Hydrophone Array, Intercept Detection and Ranging Sonar, Own Noise Analysis, Flank Array Sonar, Passive Ranging Sonar, Active Operation Sonar and Towed Array Sonar.

(Naval News)

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